
Monday, February 15, 2010

The Buzz

The "Buzz" on the QRP e-mail reflectors has been the suggestion that QRPers move their base of operations up in the 40 Meter band as a way of avoiding the increasing amounts of QRM around both 7.040 MHz and 7.030 MHz.

After a posting from Prof. Arnie Coro CO2KK, it seems that many QRPers, frustrated by the QRM are willing to make the move. I for one, agree. I mean that's what we have VFOs for anyway, right? And for those that are crystal controlled, I see an opportunity for someone to make some business by offering crystals that would allow the move up above 7.100 MHz.

With things going the way they are it seems the digital modes and WSPR are going to take over what was commonly thought of as QRP territory. I've never been an advocate for banging my head against the wall, so it seems like a good idea to me.

There's a lot of spectrum up in that area that's barely being used. Might as well put it to good use. The SKCCer's have been hanging out in that area for the past few years. I think they could stand the company of a bunch of QRP enthusiasts. Those that don't adapt die ..... those that do, move on.

I'm for moving on.

72 de Larry W2LJ


  1. Why can't you use 7.030 for the QRP frequency, same as here? Surely it is possible to make QRP transatlantic contacts, but not if different frequencies are being used.

    I don't get the comments being made that WSPR is "taking over" territory. By design, it will never occupy more than a fixed 200Hz of spectrum and the users run low power, so it is more likely to suffer QRM from other users than the other way round.

    I do see the potential for QRM on 7.040 from digital modes in Europe, where PSK starts around 7.035. The problem is really caused by different parts of the world having different band plans, ignoring the fact that radio waves know no boundaries. What's needed, I think, is for our international bodies to get together and draw up a new 40m band plan that takes account of the fact that more countries now have more than 100KHz on this band. If the ARRL could forget about emcomms for a minute perhaps it could do that?

  2. Hello Larry, I am not stuck to QRP frequencies. Sometimes I look there for fellow QRP-ers, but normally you can find me everywhere on the amateur bands doing all kind of different modes with QRP. This morning we had snow again, aarghr... but the first signs of spring are coming up slowly. 73 Paul

  3. Julian,

    On the weekends, it seems the digital QRM is now beginning to encroach even 7.030 MHz territory. Seems to be coming lower and lower every weekend.

    Larry W2LJ
