
Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Frequency Counter

I actually figured out a Rube Goldberg scheme to get my frequency counter to work well enough to do the PFR3A reference frequency calibration. I have a cheapie Radio Shack frequency counter that doesn't have probes, per se. It has an antenna and is very similar to the OptoElectronics frequency counters that were very popular,

I hooked up the PFR3A to my battery and went into calibration mode. Once there, I took a test lead, connected it to TP1 and wrapped the wire several times around the meter's telescoping antenna. It was good enough!

I was just a tad off from 10. 000 000 MHz; and using the tuning buttons, I was able to bring it to dead on. That's one test done. I will probably try and fire up my antique oscilloscope this weekend to see if I can get the IF Offset adjustment done.

I saw a T-shirt recently that said, "If necessity is the mother of invention; them MacGyver must be the father". I need to get one of those.

On the other hand, I came home to find out the power was out again. It was sunny today and the bad weather has all cleared out; so I have no idea as to what that was all about. The thing that has me a bit nervous is that I am one of the 80 Meter Foxes in tonight's Foxhunt. It's the last one of the season; and I do not need to have the power fail in the middle of it. I can hook up to my 12V lead acid battery easily enough; but I don't relish the thought of operating in the basement by candle light.

I will have the battery, cable and candles on hand in case they are needed.

72 de Larry W2LJ

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