
Wednesday, April 14, 2010

AA0ZZ circuit board is finished.

The circuit board phase of this project has been completed. It shouldn't have taken long; there are only 10 components!

The recommended enclosure is, of course, an Altoids tin. I am not using one for two reasons ...
1) I don't have a punch to make the necessary holes and 2) I have some nice sturdier metal enclosures that I saved from the dumpster at my old job.

In addition to assembling the circuit board, I drilled holes in the enclosure for the three phono jacks that you see in the above photo. For the memory buttons, I am forgoing the ones supplied with the kit and am using some Radio Shack momentary push buttons that I picked up at the Hamfest last Sunday. These are chassis mountable and will go on the enclosure's "top" side.

When all is said and done, the enclosure will be painted a bright yellow to match the PFR3A and I also ordered some decal paper to make my own labels. Yes .... decals. For a $17 kit with a homebrew enclosure - decals are just fine.

I ordered a package of decal paper from, and when it comes, I will design and create my own custom decals for this project. Thanks to John AE5X for pointing me to this product from one of his blog posts. Take a look at the video he embedded in his post. The possibilities are limited only by your imagination.

72 de Larry W2LJ


  1. Looks good, but what does it do?

  2. It's a memory keyer.

    Twelve direct-entry commands

    Three easy-to-use, 31 character memories kept in non-volitile memory (EEPROM)

    5 - 55 wpm speed range

    Iambic A or B, straight key, and Cootie Key modes

    Sequenced Mute Line (goes low for receiver or T/R switch)

    Default speed and modes stored in non-volitile memory (EEPROM)

    Speed entered by command or changed on-the-fly via the paddles

    Low power - 1 mA active and 1 uA in sleep mode

    Very long battery life (sleep mode when not in use) so no power switch needed

    Current speed reported upon command

    Operating voltage 3-5 volts

    600 Hz sidetone (may be turned off)

    Autospacing between characters (may be turned off)

    Paddle swap command
    Keyed line goes low when active

  3. Anonymous3:11 AM

    That's really a great post.. nice one.. i like this post.. PCB Design
