
Thursday, April 01, 2010

April Fool!

Wow! The local "Shack" DID have the clip lead set I wanted. Now I can cut up a couple to use with the JHP LC Meter. But lo and behold, a few minutes after getting home, I saw an even better set available on Electronic Goldmine for a fraction of the price. Phooey! I think I will order a set from them anyway, you can never have too many test clip leads.

Electronic Goldmine is a dangerous place, where I can get carried away and order too many odds and ends if I don't watch myself. Sort of like an electronics version of Harbor Freight.

I also picked up the can of clear spray enamel that I wanted for the PFR3A. It seems the Home Depot that I visited doesn't carry Krylon paint; so I picked up a can of crystal clear high gloss Rustoleum clear lacquer. Tomorrow is supposed to be sunny and in the 70s - perfect weather for the first coat. And it's looking like good weather for the second coat on Saturday.

I put in a little time tonight in the Foxtravaganza. This is the big blow out to celebrate the end of the Foxhunt season, where ALL the Foxes and the members of the Foxhunt Committee get on the air for one huge spectacular Foxhunt. Both 80 and 40 Meters were QRN free and band conditions seemed decent. Activity seemed light however. The HF9V really played well on 40 Meters tonight. Can you believe that I was using my vertical on 40 Meters!?! Just goes to show how well it can work when that neighborhood QRN is gone.

And while I'm on THAT topic, I really should knock wood. I haven't heard that horrendous noise for a few months now. I am wondering if the person in the neighborhood finally fixed whatever was broken and was causing that hash. I certainly hope so, anyway.

This weekend is the QRP ARCI Spring QSO Party. Not the best weekend for it, being Easter and all - but hopefully I will get some time in on Saturday. Easter Sunday will be way too occupied with family. My hide would be tanned if I spent the day behind the radio.

To all my Jewish friends out there, a belated Happy Passover, which began earlier this week, if I am not mistaken. And to all my Christian friends out there, a very Happy and Blessed Easter.

72 de Larry W2LJ


  1. Hi Larry, indeed, this weekend is spend with visiting family, so not much radio... have a Happy Easter! 73 Paul

  2. See what you mean about Electronic Goldmine. They even ship internationally. Perhaps a geiger counter will be my next project - handy for the next trip to northern Ukraine, hi!
