
Sunday, May 02, 2010

Oh man!

I was sitting on 30 Meters listening to ZB2FK, Erne from the Rock of Gibraltar. I've never worked Gibraltar before and Erne had a pretty good signal without too much of a pileup. I was excited, stoked and ready to go.

That's when I got the call from upstairs that there was something wrong with one of the toilets. Nothing major - just where the water fill valve is, the fitting needed tightening as there was a small leak and water was ponding on the floor. I managed to take care of it quite quickly and figured I'd give Erne another shot before cleaning up the mess.

By the time I got back to the basement, as luck would have it, he was going QRT. I tried sending my call anyway; but got no answer. Probably my 5 Watts wasn't making it with the disrupted band conditions due to the solar flares.

Gibraltar would have been a new one; and it's not very often heard. Too bad Murphy struck with his illustrious timing to mess things up!

72 de Larry W2LJ


  1. Hello Larry,
    That's a pity... Gibraltar is still on my wish list to work. One of the few European stations to work. Maybe next time. 73 Paul

  2. Hi Larry,

    Yes life often gets in the way of a juicy contact, still I dont think for one second you would want it any other way.

    73 Paul.
