
Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Flag Day 2010

I forgot to mention that this past Monday was Flag Day. Flag Day is always celebrated at the W2LJ household as the Stars and Stripes are flown every day throughout the Summer. A special effort is made to display our Nation's standard from Memorial Day right through Labor Day. The Summer weather seems to be a bit gentler towards Old Glory.

On another note, with Summer fast approaching (next Monday!) I am looking to acquire a 6 Meter transverter to use with the K2. I have NEVER operated the "Magic Band" before and since the HF9V will handle it, I thought I'd like to give it a go. It seems like a lot of fun; and I'd like to get in on the action.

Looking at the prices out there, especially the Elecraft XV50, it looks like it could be an expensive proposition. However, I do have a PFR3A that I am not using at the moment. Does anyone out there have a working 6 Meter transverter out there that they would like to trade? I am amenable to work out a deal. E-mail me privately (, if interested.

This coming weekend is the local RVRC Hamfest, Father's Day and the monthly Run For the Bacon! It promises to be a busy and hot weekend; and even though it's only Wednesday, I am looking forward to it immensely!

72 de Larry W2LJ

1 comment:

  1. I think the Elecraft transverters are among the cheaper options, but you also have to factor in the transverter interface which I have never had in my K2. Here there is a firm Spectrum Communications which makes transverter kits which are cheaper, but I don't know how cheap they would look from where you are.

    I used the Ten Tec 6m transverter with my K2 up until I got the K3 which covers 6m. It worked fine using the second antenna socket of the K2 and I made a lot of contacts using QRP. It's a pity Ten Tec stopped making them. Perhaps you could set up a search on eBay so you get an alert the next time someone puts one up for sale?
