
Monday, June 28, 2010


I took a look at some of the stats for this blog today. Over the weekend, I had about a 30% drop in hits. Of course it was due to Field Day! I'm glad that most of you were too busy to be reading this.

So, from what I am seeing on the QRP and portable operating reflectors, propagation was a blast over the weekend. 15 Meters was wide open and 80 Meters was red hot LATE into the evening. Next year, if I am fortunate enough, I'd really like to visit the Sarnoff Amateur Radio Club Field Day site in Princeton, NJ. It is a total QRP effort with low power, solar panels, batteries .... the whole shebang.

The heat wave here in Central NJ is now in about its fifth day and I think it has come to an end. We had some rain come through this afternoon and it is still very hot and sticky. However, the temperatures have fallen below the magic 90F (32C) mark; and it looks like we won't approach that point on the thermometer until next Sunday (maybe). This is a psychological victory only, however, because when you step outside it still feels like a sauna.

I have also decided to get in some "male bonding" time (as W3BBO called it) with the PFR3A. This summer, when we go up to Lake George, I am going to pack light, radio wise. This year I will take the PFR3A loaded with internal AA batteries, the Emtech ZM-2, the AA0ZZ keyer and the Buddistick and one of my doublets. Hopefully during that week, I will get in some time to play around exclusively with the PFR3A and get to know its idiosyncrasies a little bit better. As a side benefit, everything should fit nicely in my smaller "CQ" backpack.

I am very much looking forward to this vacation and can't wait until it gets here. I am also looking forward to the upcoming, long Independence Day weekend. I need the downtime badly.

72 de Larry W2LJ


  1. This year we put up a 2 wavelength(yes, 512 foot) loop for 80 meters in the trees at our site, but listening to it at 8-12 central, all we heard was a few guys ragchewing, so I think I can say 80m wasn't that good in south texas this year:( Oon the bright side, we worked 4 stations on 20m with a 3el yagi and 100mw, operator didn't even know the power was down - W2CVZ

  2. Hi Larry, it's good to have some vacation once in a while. We go in 2 weeks to Germany for vacation. I don't know if I take my ham gear with me. I am doubting. I think I stick to the family, we have not so much time for each other because of work etc. It's also very hot here... yesterday 32C. It is really summer up here too. 73 Paul
