
Thursday, June 03, 2010

A request

I received an e-mail last week from a gentleman who was looking for some help with a little Morse translation. It seems that my passion for Morse Code has become well known on the Internet!

Anyway, it seems this gentleman is producing an ad campaign for a customer and some Morse Code is involved. Would I care to listen to some snippets of Morse to verify accuracy?

Sure - why not?

So I received two MP3 files today and I believe they were supposed to be the same sentence. One was well sent with good spacing and timing. The second was pretty much gibberish!

I sent him translations of both files and had to express that the translation of the second sound file was NOT typos! It was so poorly done with bad spacing and timing that it came out as an almost unrecognizable jumble. Only a few words were sent clearly enough that I was able to tell that the two files contained the same message.

In Morse, not only are the dits and dahs important; but so is the spacing between letters and words. Bad spacing makes for unintelligible communications.

But then, you all knew that already - right?

72 de Larry W2LJ


  1. You should have offered to re-send it for him, for a "performer's fee" of course!

  2. Hi Larry,

    Totally agree...
    As a matter of fact, I enjoy a long QSO with a "good fist" as much as working DX. (maybe more so).

    I keep a special "flag" in the log book for those really "good" operators. It's like listening to a great piece of music.

  3. Anonymous8:50 PM


    Easy Now

  4. "Well known on the Internet"

    Yes .... if you type Amateur Radio, or QRP or Morse Code into a search engine, sooner or later my sites will pop up.

    I'm not speaking in terms of which "Google" or Yahoo or the others are well known - get a grip.

    I wish there was a way to prohibit "anonymous" comments.
