
Tuesday, November 23, 2010

80 Meter Fox tonight

Tonight I pulled my first stint as an 80 Meter Fox.  Conditions were strange.  Loudest signals were heard from the Midwest - Illinois, Iowa, Wisconsin, Minnesota.  Usually on 80 Meters, the louder stations are from the South - Virginia, Georgia, the Carolinas, Tennessee and Kentucky.  Not so tonight.  I did work a fair share of stations from those states; but they were not as loud as I have grown accustomed to.

The pelt count was not great and I called "CQ FOX" a lot.  It's definitely more fun handing out pelts than calling CQ.  Also, listening for weak stations with the AGC off for an hour and a half is probably not the best thing for the ears, either - but it beats a day at work any day!  What's that old QRPers saying ????  "A bad day behind the radio is better than a good day at work."

My next stint is a Tuesday in early January.  In fact it's the Tuesday after my surgery which was scheduled for January 7th. I am hoping that with the colder Winter weather that's undoubtedly coming, that better conditions on 80 Meters will be coming also.

72 de Larry W2LJ
QRP - When you care to send the very least!

1 comment:

  1. Well Larry it sounds like you are having a blast with this on going contest.
