
Saturday, November 13, 2010

K8DD - Silent Key

This appeared on QRP-L today; and it is with sadness that I repost it here:

K8DD final update 11-13-10

This may be the hardest email I've ever written.

At 5:33 a.m. this morning Henry Richard Kohl passed away from respiratory complications in the ICU of Henry Ford Detroit. Hank was surrounded by his wife Kathie, son Andy and friends Trish and Stan Arnett.

Per his wishes there will not be a funeral, but a memorial service will be held sometime in the Spring.

Kath extends her thanks to everyone for their cards, prayers and well wishes.


I'll try to write more when I'm less likely to short the keyboard with tears

Stan, AC8W

I never met Hank face-to-face; but we met on the air dozens of times.  There were also dozens of private e-mails between us concerning a topic of interest we both held.   I will miss his observations, his wit and his friendliness.

Till we meet again, Hank!  May the DX be plentiful and the propagation always wonderful!  

Dit dit.

72 de Larry W2LJ
QRP - When you care to send the very least! 

1 comment:

  1. It saddens me deeply to hear the news that we have lost Hank... I did not know him personally but we had met and spoke several times at FDIM and at Hamvention. Hank was a great guy, always seemingly happy to help and with a real zest for life and the art of radio! I will very much miss seeing him in action doing what he did best at FDIM

    73 my QRP friend, you are not to be forgotten

    Seth - W8FG
