
Sunday, January 09, 2011

Back in the saddle

Feeling pretty good today, I managed some shack time.  And does it feel good to be behind the key again!  The goal today was to work Ed Hare W1RFI who was operating today as K6JSS/1 - the 50th Anniversary QRP-ARCI station from Connecticut.  With about an hour to go until K6JSS changes from Connecticut to Hawaii, I managed to add Ed in the logbook.  He was a good 569  on 80 Meters when I worked him; and as I am listening to him work stations as I type this, he is only getting louder.

K6JSS will be "guest operated" from all 50 States during this 50th Anniversary year long celebration.  It will be interesting to see how many of them I can manage to get into the log.

I also worked John K1ESE on 40 Meters, while I was hunting for Ed earlier in the day.  John and I have each other in our respective logbooks many, many times for all the QRP Sprints that we have participated in.  It was good to hear his strong signal from Maine make it to New Jersey again.

I am looking forward to getting some quality operating time in this week.  This was a good way to ease into it.

72 de Larry W2LJ
QRP - When you care to send the very least!

1 comment:

  1. Good to hear you are feeling better today Larry. I was listening for K6JSS/1 but could not hear him up this way. Saw him listed on QRPSPOTS.COM
