
Friday, January 21, 2011

K6JSS/4 - in the log!

QRPSPOTS is a wonderful thing!  Jim W4QO posted his schedule for tonight; and I found K6JSS/4 exactly where and when he said he would be. After listening to Jim work a station in Omaha, NE, I gave him a call.  I was awarded with a QSO and a 569 signal report.  Jim was 579 during the QSO with Omaha and increased to a 589 during our QSO.  Whoever thinks QRP signals can't be loud as all get-out is sadly mistaken!

Even after all these years as a Ham, the way propagation works constantly amazes me.  A few hours ago, I could barely hear K4BKD operating as K6JSS/4 - you'll remember that I noted the nearby Bulgarian station was louder.  Let some time go by and things changed to the point where Georgia was its old "pipeline" self.  This is another reminder of why one has to stick with it during the QRP Foxhunts. Band conditions can change dramatically in a very short time. Just when you think things aren't going to work - WHAM!  The band changes and a QSO is possible.

The steady, armchair copy of Mr. Jim Stafford was quite appreciated too.  There's a very good reason why he was named "Amateur of the Year" last year and why he's a member of the QRP Hall of Fame. Jim is a dependable, "steady as a rock" operator.  In fact, as I am typing this, I am enjoying listening to him work other stations.  A great fist is a wonderful thing, and it's a pleasure to QSO with him - anytime!  But this time was all the more sweet!

The first three K6JSS Golden Anniversary states are in the log.  It's the little things that keep this QRPer very happy!

72 de Larry W2LJ
QRP - When you care to send the very least!

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