
Sunday, March 06, 2011

15 Meters is open

For those of you who might have time to fool around with the radio this morning, 15 Meters is open nicely to Europe (at least from the East Coast, that is).  I worked Alex RK3ER right after he worked Jim W1PID.  I couldn't hear Jim, of course, but Alex, who lives near Orel, was coming in nicely.

I've been doing more listening than anything, and I am hearing all sort of Russian stations as well as EW8U in Belarus, England, Bulgaria, etc.  It seems like the sun is definitely waking up from it's long slumber.

I heard and tried to work 4A4A yesterday afternoon on 15 Meters.  This is a DXpedition to the Revillagigedo Archipelago off the western coast of Mexico.  They will be there from March 3rd to the 20th.  They had a booming signal into NJ; but I couldn't seem to crack the pileup.  From looking at maps of my previous contacts, it seems I have trouble with my signal being heard in that direction. I think I will have to stick with the Butternut if I hope to crack this one.  The wire probably has a null in that direction.

Hopefully, I will get more air time this afternoon.  I can't do anything outside today, even though it's very warm, it is also quite rainy in NJ today.

72 de Larry W2LJ
QRP - When you care to send the very least!

1 comment:

  1. Good morning Larry, yes it is nice to see the sun spots and SFI up. We had rain all day on Saturday up this way and then it turned to snow last night and we woke up to about 6 inches of snow!!! I thought it was all over it was nice to see just grass and no snow....that is just a distant dream now. Well good luck with 4A4A.
