
Monday, April 18, 2011

20 Meters - just right!

20 Meters was the band on which to work K6JSS/4 from Alabama.  When I worked Dave at 01:08 UTC, he was a nice 569 into New Jersey with the 88' EDZ.  A few minutes after working him, Dave shot up to a bona fide 599.  Amazing how a 5 Watt signal can be so loud.

The hunt for these K6JSS/ stations has been a lot of fun and at times, a bit of frustration.  I'll take an easy one for a change with no complaints.

Looking forward to QRPTTF this coming weekend.  Of course, as we get closer to the day itself, the weather forecast is changing.  Yesterday, the prediction was for a chance of rain.  Now I am looking at mostly sunny skies with temps in the upper 60s.  If it stays that way, or gets even better, then that would be the perfect Easter present for this Ham!

72 de Larry W2LJ
QRP - When you care to send the very least!


  1. Larry I look forward each week to reading the blog to see how your next K6JSS contact is working out. Also I too am hoping for a nice weekend. Last weekend it was Saturday of temps 12C below normal and blowing winds with rain. Sunday it was the same but snow all day.

  2. Hi Larry, W2LJ de KE5UTN in Louisiana. I've noticed that along with 20m, 15 has been active also. Although I'm not running QRP, I was running barefoot and made contacts with the Island of Crete, Barcelona, and Hungary about a week and ahalf ago. It's nice to have some sunspots making long distance more possible with less power.

    My blog is 'Ham Operator: KE5UTN'

    Stop bye anytime for a visit Larry. 73
