
Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Four States Group releases new kit!

The Four States QRP Group announced the release of a new QRP transceiver on the QRP e-mail reflectors today.  Most notably (at least to me anyway), this kit will include a crystal for 7.122 MHz, which is a good move, utilizing that portion of the band!


The Four State QRP Group is pleased to offer a new kit for sale. It has been dubbed the "HamCan", and at only $30 it is an excellent value in a small transceiver. More information may be found on the order page here:

The NMØS HamCan transceiver is the latest offering in minimalist amateur radio from the Four State QRP Group! It is a crystal-controlled CW transceiver, delivering 1/2 to 1W transmit power, with enough sensitivity and selectivity to receive plenty of signals. It does all this with only TWO transistors!

It is a minimalist transceiver designed to be very simple and inexpensive, yet provide good performance. The low cost kit sacrifices nothing in the way of quality. It features a high quality printed circuit board, through hole parts, low parts count and fast and easy building. It is an excellent kit for first time builders, and was chosen as the Build Session kit for OzarkCon 2011. It has also been selected as one of the ARRL Midwest Convention's Buildathon kits. There are two, the other is Four States AAØZZ EZKeyer

Click here to order   Payment may be made by PayPal, Check, or Money Order. We hope to fill your order soon.


I placed my order - looks good!  Hey ..... $30 for a transceiver.  How can that be a bad thing?

72 de Larry W2LJ
QRP - When you care to send the very least!

1 comment:

  1. Cute! A little chirpy on their sound sample, but hey, no worse than the Cuban stations, hi. Hope they come out with a higher band version some day now that the sunspots are cooperating. 73!
