
Sunday, June 26, 2011

Field Day Past - Part 2

This is a side shot of the Mess area.  Norm KB2SBB (SK) and Charlie N2LHD (SK) were our head chefs.  Our FD was known throughout the area for the food we served. Indeed, many visitors came just for the food. There weren't many FD sites in the area that offered ice cold fresh fruit, and hot entrees like baked ziti and other goodies that were way beyond the standard burgers and dogs.

Norm KB2SBB (SK) grilling sausages for sausage, onion and pepper sandwiches.

Jimmy N2LFI (SK) was also one of our cooks.  PARC Field Day took the food very seriously. For us, Field Day was not a contest.  Our final score was important, but secondary.  In retrospect we had two main goals:

A: Prove that we could set up an effective portable Comm Center in case of the ultimate emergency
B: Provide one of the biggest social events of the Ham year. It was supposed to be fun, after all !!

And we did take operating seriously. Here's Rich W2PQ at the mic, while W2LJ does some logging duty.

Bill W2WK does some logging while Al W2KOG (SK) looks on.  It was towards out latter years that we brought laptops for logging.

For our earlier Field Days we brought desk tops with huge CRT monitors!  Hey folks, this was less than 15 years ago - times have changed.  I'm sure there are people logging this Field Day using iPads and other tablets.

Another Sunday morning shot.  Someone off to the left is sipping coffee while W2WK and AA2KS look a little weary.  FD Fuel (Pepsi Cola) cans litter the desktop!

W2LJ, W2PQ and WA2RMZ take a breather after helping with the guy ropes that kept our extension ladder "tower" in place.

Two of PARC's steadfast operators, and winners of a few NJ QSO Partys - Don KO2K and Bill W2BT walking across the Field Day site.

Lastly, one of the founding members of PARC, Chuck WB2MSV (SK) going for a refill to the "807 tent". Chuck was the motivating force and guiding spirit behind many of the PARC Field Day efforts.  He made sure we did things right, helped solve problems and provided a lot of laughs to boot.

72 de Larry W2LJ
QRP - When you care to send the very least!

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