
Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Well ... THAT was fun!

My wife's car is in the shop, so she had to take mine to work tonight. In turn, that gave me a rare Tuesday night at home (prevented me from going to yet another meeting) and allowed me the chance to participate in the NAQCC Monthly Sprint.

I can't remember the last time that I was able to jump into one of these. It has to be a year or more since I last participated. I couldn't start at the bell, because I had to wait for my daughter to be dropped off from her Girl Scout meeting by her Troop Leader.  Once Cara was home, I settled down in the basement and actually ran a frequency for almost an hour!

40 Meters was in great shape; and 80 Meters wasn't shabby, either. In all, I made 29 QSOs in just over an hour.  Not a record, or anywhere near my best effort - but not bad for being out of practice, either!  This was the first NAQCC Sprint where the antenna was exclusively the 88' EDZ; and it did quite a good job for itself. I got good reports, nothing less than 459.

This was a nice respite from a cruddy day at work.  Thanks everyone who worked me - it was a ton of fun.

72 de Larry W2LJ
QRP - When you care to send the very least!

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