
Sunday, September 11, 2011

Looks like Oregon isn't going to happen.

With only a few hours to go until K6JSS changes states, it looks like Oregon is going to become only the second state that I have not been able to work.  Who would have figured that?  Oregon has never been a problem for me until now.

However, a lack of volunteers, and a lack of propagation seems to be preventing a QSO with K6JSS/7.  There haven't been any substantial operations during the evening hours of this past week - and you can't blame the Oregon K6JSS/7 ops for that. The few ops that have volunteered have been on the air as much as they were able.  And in fact, they have been graciously accommodating in trying to work East coast QRP'ers during the evenings towards the end of the week; but the propagation just hasn't been there!  When you only have two, three or perhaps four ops trying to cover a whole week's worth of operating, you're going to run into holes and problems.

During this weekend, when they have spotted themselves on 20 Meters during the day, the signals just haven't been there, again. I am supposing that this is due to the geomagnetic event that we have been experiencing over the past few days.

Bad luck, bad propagation, bad timing - nuts!

Anyway, thanks to the Oregon ops for the many contacts they did make, even if one of them wasn't with yours truly.  Next week is Alaska's turn.  I suppose that my chances there will be equally, if not more slim.  Other than Jim AL7FS, I'm not really sure how big Alaska's QRP community is.  If he is going to bear the main brunt of the operating effort, I wish him well going into it.

72 de Larry W2LJ
QRP - When you care to send the very least!

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