
Thursday, January 12, 2012


If any of you have been over to the ARRL Website lately, you may have noticed that Ward Silver N0AX posted a quiz about Ham Radio on TV.

Question # 10 is:

10) Which show featured a ham radio phone patch between a soldier and his girlfriend back home?
a. M*A*S*H
b. McHale’s Navy
c. Combat!
d. Gomer Pyle, U.S.M.C.

Now I didn't get the intended answer on this one, which was a) M*A*S*H, because one of my very early TV memories was this episode of McHale's Navy, which originally aired back on May 19, 1964.  I had recently turned seven years old and obviously, was at a very impressionable age !!!


Two things I know now that I didn't know back then - the callsigns used are all whacked out.  Secondly, since McHale's Navy was set in a WWII background, it would have been impossible for a US Radio Amateur to have been on the air.

But it was a great episode and it's my earliest Amateur Radio memory.

72 de Larry W2LJ
QRP - When you care to send the very least!


  1. a -- Klinger is married to his sweetheart back home by Father Mulcahy via ham radio during the third season.

    create quiz , Make your own quiz

  2. Kevin,

    Yeah, the point I was making was that while "A" is the correct answer, it also could have been "B".

    Thanks for reading!

    72 de Larry W2LJ
