
Sunday, January 08, 2012


I got on 80 Meters tonight, determined to keep my streak going.  I've been on the air each day since the New Year began, as part of my resolution to get on the air more. I did the MOCAD (Make One Contact A Day) thing successfully back in 2005.  That was tough enough, dealing with work, two young kids, solar storms, etc, etc, etc.  And I am bound and determined to try and do it again this year. Human nature being what it is, it's way too easy to get lazy and find excuses to not get on the air.

So here I am, proud of myself for getting on every day for a stinking, measly week, when I run into John K3WWP.  The same K3WWP who is the Streak Master, having made at least one CW QRP QSO each day for over 17 years. I have a hard time wrapping my brain around that - at least one CW QRP QSO for over 6.300 days!

After a very nice chat with John, I ran into Gary N2ESE with whom I had the pleasure to QSO with last week.  During this rag chew, I find out that Gary is running his own streak - at least two CW QSOs a day since November 2006.  That's over five years now!

So here I am, feeling pleased with my own lil' week of operating only to be returned to earth after working two fine amateurs who make my efforts look pretty putrid by comparison.  But, working these fine folks is quite an inspiration to keep this going.  Not that I am going to do it for years - but at least A year, once again.

72 de Larry W2LJ
QRP - When you care to send the very least!

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