
Friday, April 12, 2013

A very good night

And if I wasn't so tired, I'd probably stay on the air for a little longer; but alas, I am just about ready to call it a day. As soon as I finish this post, I will turn in.

I have read and heard reports of the big flare that occurred, and how we're supposed to get hit tomorrow with potentially huge geomagnetic disruptions.. Main stream media news outlets are saying that we might see aurora tomorrow night, even here in NJ.  If that  is true, then tomorrow's HF conditions will probably be, how shall we say, less than optimal?

But tonight was a good night.  20 and 30 Meters were exceptional.  On 20 Meters, I worked E74UB in Bosnia-Herzegovina, LZ1QI in Bulgaria, TF3JB in Iceland (with 2.5 Watts!), and the topper - the prize for the night A71CM in Qatar.  I have never worked Qatar before, ever  -and to get him in the log with 5 Watts had me doing the happy dance.

On 30 Meters, I actually had two honest-to-goodness QSOs with Lin G4DZE in England and Viorel YO6LV in Romania.  When you can have a civil QSO with more details that RST and TU, it's always special.  Special thanks to Lin and Viorel for that.  I also worked SP6EIY in Poland and UY5BA in the Ukraine.

40 Meters was a little tougher, but I managed to work H70ORO, a special event station down in Nicaraguan to finish out the evening.

For the record, all tonight's QSOs were completed with the KX3, using the HF9V on 20 Meters and the 88' EDZ on 30 and 40 Meters.

I am making so many typos here that it's ridiculous - thank God for spell check!

72 de Larry W2LJ
QRP - When you care to send the very least!

1 comment:

  1. Good morning Larry, well congrats those are some very impressive contacts!! Qatar sure is a nice my theory of not getting on last night and saving the energy for today may have backfired....
    Have a good weekend Larry
