
Sunday, February 09, 2014

A day late and a dollar short

And that seems to be my story regarding FT5ZM, and I'm sticking to it. Last night, I heard them well and couldn't work them. Tonight, I've gone back to not being able to hear them. According to the DXCluster, they are active on 14.023 MHz. They might as well be on the other side of Jupiter, for all that I can hear. I'm not hearing any activity on 30 Meters, either.

Ironically, tomorrow is their last full day of activity before going QRT. And tomorrow is the day my KXPA100 kit is due to arrive from Elecraft. What a coincidence, eh?

I am fairly confident that if I had 100 Watts last night, I would have been able to break through the pileup. There's no way that I can be 100% certain of that, but you can't be in this hobby for 35 years without building up an innate sense of these things.

No use crying over spilled milk. Keep your ears open on the bands every day this coming week, QRPers. Next weekend is the big ARRL DX Contest, CW portion. I am already hearing some familiar calls in some familiar places as folks set up and gear up for the big event. Working these stations as they get ready, and then working the contest itself is a great way to earn yourself a QRP DXCC Certificate.

72 de Larry W2LJ
QRP - When you care to send the very least!

Addendum: I went back to the basement to find that FT5ZM came up nicely on 20 Meters. I heard them work my buddy, Bob W3BBO, and fellow blogger and QRPer, Chris KQ2RP. Still no joy for W2LJ, though. I guess tomorrow night will be my last shot, if they're even on the air at that point.

1 comment:

  1. Good luck. I hope you work them. This is an excellent DXpedition and relatively easy to work, despite the extremely difficult propagation. If you look carefully, you'll see that Zone 5 shares almost no daylight or nighttime with FT/Z, which makes the openings short.

    Of course, it is much more challenging with QRP.
