
Saturday, May 10, 2014

This amazes me

While talking with my bud, Bob W3BBO today, we discussed an instance that we had both heard, of a Ham who was selling all his equipment.  It appears this operator feels that he has reached the pinnacle of the hobby by working all the DX that there is to work, "So there's nothing else to do", and he's packing it in.

Bob and I were both incredulous.  He's been in the hobby for over 50 years and I have been in the hobby for 36 years now.  I do understand that with any undertaking, there are ebbs and flows of enthusiasm and interest.  You might be super active for a period and then lose steam for a while. It might even reach the point of becoming temporarily inactive.  And as John Lennon famously said, "Life is what happens when you're busy making other plans". Life circumstances change, as do priorities.

But to chuck everything and get out of the hobby because you have "done it all?"  I don't think that's even possible!

So let's say you've been fortunate enough to work 9 band Honor Roll ....... there's nothing left?  How about (wait for the plug) trying to do it again using QRP?  Or how about getting into satellites, or digital modes, or perhaps taking a shot at working all counties?  I have a friend, Dr. Paul Scipione AA2AV, who has worked all counties three separate times - SSB, CW and CW QRP. That's an accomplishment!

Build something, go hilltopping or become active in SOTA or IOTA, go on a DXepdition! Bounce your signals off the ionized trail of a meteor, or the moon.

My point is, Amateur Radio is actually a hobby built up of sub-hobbies. There's always something new to try and undertake.  The day someone actually does end up "doing it all" will be a very special day, and I'd like to meet and shake that person's hand.  For indeed, that person will definitely be very special, and I think I would love to read whatever book they choose to write about their adventures.

Scrolling through QRP-L today, I came across a link to a cool article written by Gerry Lynch, a Ham in the UK.  If you're contemplating learning CW and are not sure it's worth your time and effort, you might want to read this:

72 de Larry W2LJ
QRP - When you care to send the very least!


  1. Agreed. There's always something more to do. And plenty that is difficult enough to require a lifetime of effort.

    Perhaps there's another reason. Maybe this fellow is going deaf or something, and knows it will be hard to maintain his position at the top of the list. So, he's going out on top.

  2. Don't honestly see how anyone could say "there's nothing else to do" because I don't think any of us can do it all. There are so many aspects to this hobby and it seems like more technology keeps coming.

  3. Larry,
    Being new, I could not conceive of just selling everything of and moving on. I guess I could understand that someone is at a point where it is just not exciting to them or life has changed direction. Who knows? Thanks for posting about the EARCHI end fed. I have the same one and want to use it with my FT-817ND and it has helped a lot. Keep up the great posts.
