
Wednesday, May 14, 2014

Two year anniversary

Today, sadly, marks the two year anniversary of the passing of my Mom. Some days, it seems like her passing happened so long ago. Other days, the pain is as raw as if it had just happened. I know they say that time heals all wounds, but there are some things you never get over.  And to be honest, I would rather feel the occasional pang of grief than become complacent about her death. There are indeed moments when the emptiness and sadness still rear their ugly head. Fortunately, those sad times are farther and fewer between, and there are many times when the memories invoke moments of joy and laughter or a smile.

In a related matter, the friend of a friend passed away in early April. I mention this, because some of you may have known him - some well, others just in passing. The person I am referring to is Bill Stevenson G4KKI. Sadly, Bill passed away from cancer in early April. Bill was one of the "QRP family", a FISTS member, an antenna experimenter and he loved going on portable QRP operations. Bill contributed a lot to the various QRP lists with posts about his successes with homebrewing rigs, magloops, and his various portable QRP ops expeditions to various places in his beloved home of England.

His webpage is still up, if you care to have a look:

And Bill also liked to post videos of his projects and exploits on YouTube:

A person once said that, "Everybody wants to go to Heaven, but nobody wants to do what they have to do to in order to get there - die."  I suppose that's true, but sometimes I think the heavier burden is left with those of us who stay behind.

72 de Larry W2LJ
QRP - When you care to send the very least!


  1. Just came across your post now - G4KKI, or William Stevenson, was my grand dad. I'd like to thank you for the kind words you posted on his behalf, I know it would have meant a great deal to him.

  2. I studied the RAE with Bill G4KKI and Kevan Grime G4PMV back in 1979. We were the 3 musketeers at the front of the class and absorbed all the knowledge we could from tutor Peter Whatmough G4HYE. All three of us passed and Bill went straight to pass his morse test (he could have taught the examiner!) and become a G4 long before we did. Years of morse usage in the army made him a terrific morse operator.
    I visited him at home a few times and we had numerous QSO's over the years on 2 metres. I didn't have any HF transmitting equipment in the early days but heard him many times on top band through my ancient Yaesu FRG7.
    I followed his blog and website with interest and his ingenuity in designing antennas was outstanding. Considering the limitations of his QTH he was able to work all over the world using QRP and is an inspiration for all hams.
    73 and RIP Bill from your friend Terry G8YPH
