
Wednesday, September 17, 2014

Pirate - or for real?

I worked SP4KVA on 20 Meters at lunchtime. As you can see, he/she was being heard all over the place. Great signal, but ........ SP4KVA doesn't show up on QRZ, QRZCQ, or on Google except for showing up on various telnet reports.

So was this a REALLY recent license issue, a REALLY recent special event call sign - OR was a I slimmed by a pirate? (Not accusing anyone of anything ...... just asking.)
Avast ye swabs! Raise the tri-bander and point 'er to the sou'west ....... Arrrrgh!  Cut the lines and raise the jibs and the dipoles, ye scurvy dogs!

72 de Larry W2LJ
QRP - When you care to send the very least!


  1. Hi Larry, when a station is not registered anywhere, I am afraid it's a pirate. BTW, where comes the map from? it's not PSK reporter, but what program is it? 73 Paul

  2. Looks like "transmit like a pirate day" came two days early this year. Arrr!

  3. Chris, ZL3LF9:35 PM

    Now listed on QRZ: :-)
