
Sunday, February 08, 2015

MIstake in my FYBO log

Some of you might notice the change in my FYBO score in the immediate proceeding post.  This is a hazard that occurs when you log on paper and then transpose to computer. I missed transposing a QSO!  I am going to send an e-mail to the AZscQRPions, but if they don't accept my log change - that's fine with me. I was in it for the fun, not to win, and I'll probably place somewhere in the middle of the pack when all is said and done, anyway.

The only way I spotted my log error was due to an e-mail that I received today from Steve WG0AT, with a link to an audio file of my FYBO QSO with Frank K0JQZ. I remembered the QSO immediately, but also remembered that I didn't count Colorado as one of my worked S/P/Cs.  That's when I realized, the QSO is in my little notebook, but I had skipped over it when transposing to my Master Log in Log4OM, down here in the shack. The QSO took place at 0201 UTC.

I really need to stop using paper and pencil and just rely on HamLog in my tablet.  Old habits die hard for us pluggers, though!

Here's a link to the audio file of how I sounded it Colorado. Not bad for a Buddistick plopped onto the roof of a Jeep in Central New Jersey, eh?

Thanks, Frank for the QSO and thanks, Steve for the audio file!

72 de Larry W2LJ
QRP - When you care to send the very least!


  1. Amazing how well that Buddhistic performed Larry. Thanks for the QSO, 72, Frank, K0JQZ

  2. Always log contests on computer....
