
Monday, March 23, 2015


Despite being on a very tight budget, with very little room for Amateur Radio purchases this year, I bit the bullet and made a purchase from eBay this morning:

This was purchased specifically with Field Day in mind. It's pre-owned and was a very reasonable $35. It's a 20Ah SLA and even if it has deteriorated a bit from use, it should power one of my KX3s for the entire 24 hours. At a whopping 13 lbs, this is not a battery that I will use for anything other than Field Day, or perhaps some sprints from the back yard.

Speaking of Field Day, the South Plainfield Amateur Radio Club has gone into full planning mode. This year, we are going to switch over to the 3A Battery category and will be adding a digital staion, in addition to the standard SSB and CW stations.  We will also have a GOTA station and are hoping to hold some kind of educational event for some local Boy Scout troop(s).

One of our club members who has had success working the satellites is planning a satellite QSO this year. We had a planning meeting last Thursday evening and I came away excited at our prospects for this year. No matter the outcome, it's going to be fun again, that's for sure.

The bands seem to be slowly coming back after last week's St. Patrick's Day solar storm. I worked S59N and EA6VQ during lunch time today, so DX is once again workable using 5 Watts and the Buddistick. I did hear 9Q0HQ on one of the bands, but very weakly.

It was only 19F (-7C) when I woke up this morning, but despite that, Ol' Man Winter's days are numbered. Time to start thinking about getting the portable ops batteries charged, portable antennas ready and all that kind of stuff. It won't be long before QRP To The Field is here to kick off the official 2015 Summer Outdoor QRP season.

72 de Larry W2LJ
QRP - When you care to send the very least!

1 comment:

  1. Hi Larry,
    I know what you mean about the sunny weather. The sun shining longer is getting the planning ideas flowing as far as outside work goes. Antenna plans and projects really come to our minds when the nice weather approaches. It was -17C this morning (1.4F) but that sun shine and the promise of much warmer weather later in the week has everyone's spirits up.

    I also got a "new" battery a few weeks back from a UPS where the batteries were being replaced. This one was still in very good shape. 36 AH. I actually use it to power my rig all the time. I plan to get a small solar panel to charge it in my south facing basement window but for now I will trickle charge it when necessary.

    Cheers es 72,
    Scott ve3vvf
