
Friday, June 05, 2015

CRUD !!!!

I just realized that I missed the QRP-ARCI Hoot owl Sprint, which was LAST Sunday.


That is one of my favorite sprints. Usually it coincides with Memorial Day weekend here in the States. This year, it was the following weekend, and I missed it. Durn.

Did any of you see any reminder announcements on any of the QRP e-mail reflectors? Am I that blind?

72 de Larry W2LJ
QRP - When you care to send the very least!

1 comment:

  1. Hi, Larry.

    I don't recall seeing anything about it on the QRP-L list. I saw it on the May 20 ARRL Contest Update and put a post about it on my QRP Field Ops Google+ community, where I post information about any operating event I run across with an outdoor operating component. That, of course, includes the NJQRP Skeeter Hunt!

    You and others are very welcome to join or just follow as you wish. The link is

    72, Jim - K0RGI
