
Thursday, October 08, 2015

They ARE attempting a comeback, after all.

I'm sure many of you got the same email from Heathkit, either yesterday or early this morning. I had to admit that I thought it was going to be another one of those "We're still coming back!" emails, but this one had some substance.

It looks like the initial offerings are a table AM radio as well as some parts for already existing Heathkit products, namely the HW8, as well as their weather instruments.

Everything can be found here:

Obviously, it's a small fledgling offering, but every journey of 1,000 miles begins with a single step.  So before we make any harsh judgments, let's all take a deep breath, wish the new "Heathkit" well, and see how this all shakes out.

72 de Larry W2LJ
QRP - When you care to send the very least !


  1. David Ryeburn VE7EZM and AF7BZ3:34 PM

    What a comeback! $150 for a TRF AM BC radio.

    Next thing you know they'll be offering a 6L6 crystal oscillator rig kit for 160 meters for $800. Power supply extra, of course.

  2. Website looks like the work of some 'mad men' marketing people... Lots of pretty emotional verbage - very little substance (or details, facts, specs, etc.) IMHO. K9PLG
