
Sunday, July 31, 2016

Rained out

I think good ol' Charlie Brown probably had a better day than I did.

The rain didn't come to an end here until 2:00 PM, an hour after FOBB began. I went with the plan of staying hive-bound, which didn't work out so well, either.  My wife Marianne decided to do some laundry, so I was not only fighting QSB on the bands, I was also fighting horrific washing machine QRM.  I could hear the "swish-swish" of the agitator in my ear buds.  Criminy!

I ended up making a paltry 15 QSOs.  W4MPS, Marc in North Carolina was by far the loudest signal I heard all day long. This is where the RBN skimers picked up my signals:

I am hoping and praying for better weather for the Skeeter Hunt.

The only bright side was that I was close to the snack drawer and the ice cold water in the refrigerator!

72 de Larry W2LJ
QRP - When you care to send the very least!


  1. Anonymous8:54 AM

    You did better than me. 11 QSO's 7 bees: storm chased me off the air at 3:45


  2. Larry,

    I looked for you, but never found you. Now I know why. I quit at 3:30 PM. It was just too hot. No rain though, that was a good thing. All my QSOs were on 20 Meters. I heard nothing on 40 or 15. Can't wait for Skeeter Hunt!



  3. George,

    I heard you once ..... and called you. As soon as you came up out of the noise, that's as quickly as you disappeared again. I never heard you again for the rest of the afternoon after that one time. Maybe in August (fingers crossed!)

    Larry W2LJ

  4. Larry,

    Yeah, the band was weird all afternoon. I didn't have the noise and lightning static that you guys had, but the QSB was unbelievable. I'm sorry that I missed your call, I always like to work you during these events. Maybe conditions will be great for Skeeter Hunt. I'll look for you there. Have a great week.

