
Tuesday, December 06, 2016

QRPGuys new kit

TheQRPGuys are offering a new kit, a 40 Meters Direct Conversion Receiver - for $35 (without the optional digital dial, which is extra).

It looks like a fun kit and is all through-hole, which is a big plus for the neophyte kit builder.

QRPGuys offers a whole bunch of inexpensive kits. Be sure to check them out - with Christmas coming and all - maybe you'll find a neat stocking stuffer for that favorite QRPer of yours. OR maybe you can discreetly leave a few hints with the XYL.

72 de Larry W2LJ
QRP - When you care to send the very least!


  1. Direct conversion? I've never understood why people want to build a direct conversion receiver, when it isn't that much more difficult to build a superheterodyne receiver with single-signal reception. (It just takes one more NE602/SA612 chip)

    I can't imagine that using a direct conversion receiver on a crowded band like 40m is any fun....

    1. My old TenTec Century21 employs a direct conversion receiver and I think it's great fun to use. When the band is busy it just gives me twice as much to listen to :)

      Richard, AA4OO

  2. Anonymous4:34 PM

    Why direct conversion,answer simple, because DIRECT CONVERSION RECEIVER.
    Just has one VFO and more fun.
    Serge US5QBR
