
Wednesday, September 27, 2017

Another family commitment

is going to preclude me from operating in one of my favorites - The Peanut Power Sprint, this Sunday. Darn!

The PPS is one of my favorites because not only is it sponsored by the wonderful NoGAnauts, but it's also a quickie - only two hours long - from 4:00 to 6:00 PM EDT this Sunday.

We're meeting family for dinner. I might get a chance to operate the first hour; but that's iffy, at best. But this is one you should consider jumping in on, PARTICULARLY if you're a First Timer in QRP Sprint land.  It's fun and easy and all the ops are great and patient.

For all the details go to: - and then click on the "Peanut Power Sprint" link on the left side of the page.

72 de Larry W2LJ
QRP - When you care to send the very least!

1 comment:

  1. Hey Lar
    Missed you in the PPS OB. Sorry you couldn't make it. We moved into our new, smaller home in late August, so haven't been on the air in quite a while. Was looking forward to PPS just to get some activity in the log. Went back to Jordan Lake and had lots of fun. Eileen was with me but not our Golden Doodle Bailey, who went SK on Aug 10. We miss him a lot. Hope to catch up with you soon.
    72, Marc W4MPS
