
Tuesday, December 26, 2017

Merry Christmas!

Merry Christmas!

I know, some of you are probably saying, "Wait, what? Christmas is over!"

But it's really not ...... remember the song, "The Twelve Days of Christmas"?  Christmas is more than a day, it IS a season.  So don't throw out or put away those Christmas trees just yet. Enjoy the Season!

I hope Santa was good to you and left a key, radio or some neat accessory under your tree.  I got some shave soap (I wet shave - an electric razor just tears up my face and especially my neck!), a shirt and that personal weather station I had been wanting.

It's not a Peet Brothers unit, rather one of the more inexpensive ones. And that's fine by me. I just want something that I can hook up to WeatherUnderground and play around with. This will do just fine and I am grateful for it.

We did not get a white Christmas this year. But it was very windy and cold. in fact, our daily high temperatures for the next week or so are not to exceed the high 20s F (-3C).  And the NY NJ PA Weather Guy, who I follow on Twitter, is saying something about the possibility of a major winter storm for our area next weekend.  We shall see.

In the meantime, I hope to get on the air a few evenings this week to see how the 160 Meter band is doing and to see if I can squeeze out a contact or two.  It's been a long time since I got on the air looking just to chew the fat for a bit.

72 de Larry W2LJ
QRP - When you care to send the very least!


  1. My father gave me a Hakko 88 soldering station. Now I just have to build something....

  2. Larry, what weather station is that and where can I get one like it? Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to you and yours!


  3. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to you and your family, too, George! Here's the link for the weather station. My wife got it through Amazon:

  4. Thanks Larry! I'll check it out.


