
Friday, September 20, 2019

Another new QRP Field Friendly radio

The Lab599 TX-500, which is supposed to be available soon - $700 price range (which ain't bad, at all).

A VERY nice looking, sleek radio.  For the details, you can visit the Website by clicking here.

And of course, the comments on the e-mail reflectors are all about how this radio will be the death of the KX3. I guess life is tough when you're Top Dog.  But think about it for a second ....... not only did Wayne and Eric usher in an excellent radio when they designed and birthed the KX3, they ushered in a veritable wave of competitors trying to knock them off the Top Shelf.

This kind of competition is a good thing.  I don't think we've ever had the realm of possible portable QRP radio to choose from like we have today, and we're the direct beneficiaries of that. In addition, I don't think that any of these competitors have brought forth anything but high quality products. I don't think there's a slouch among them; and that's the market forces in action, once again.

So not only did Wayne and Eric kickstart the industry on into a design frenzy, but those same market forces will probably also spur Elecraft on to offer a KX4 someday that may change the market, once again.

72 de Larry W2LJ
QRP - When you care to send the very least!


  1. Good evening Larry very nice post, as for Elecraft the defining thing that sticks out in my mind is the outstanding support Elecraft gives you. Once you purchase the rig from Elecraft ( I have had the K3, K2x2, KX1 and KX3) the support is amazing with software updates, add on questions and any issue what so ever. Yes the rig in the post is a great price and lots of features but I'm more interested in the support once the sale has been made.
    This is just my opinion,

    1. A good point, but probably of more limited importance when one buys an US-made rig well outside the US. I'm sure they would do all they could, but in the UK, for example, one would simply have to resort to normal statutory rights applicable to all products and return an in-warranty rig, or an out-of-warranty rig that would be expected to work properly for some time, to the seller.

  2. Anonymous3:28 PM

    Is this an American company
