
Wednesday, April 01, 2020

Something ALL Hams should understand

Just a little Ham humor to lighten up the situation!

But seriously, this current crisis WILL pass, and please know that I'm keeping all of you in my prayers.

In the meantime, please keep in touch with your local Amateur Radio friends and help them if you can.  Our local group in South Plainfield has started meeting every evening on 147.570 MHz simplex - in order to stay in touch with each other, keep our collective spirits up and help each other in any way we can.

And of course, we talk about Amateur Radio - we try not to dwell on the virus too much. You can get that from the mainstream media to the point where you'll go crazy if you watch that stuff too much. We have a great hobby at our disposal - make use of it to fill your time, if you can. It's a great diversion!

72 de Larry W2LJ
QRP - When you care to send the very least!


  1. Allowance for wind direction doesn't seem to have entered people's consideration yet, though. Simply stand 2m upwind of your enemy and feel confident that it may as well be 2mm...

  2. Hi Larry, corona hits the world hard. I do not follow all the news, because I don't want to go nuts. We are in a lockdown for 2 weeks now. But we do have a wonderful hobby for distraction. Stay safe, 73 Paul
