
Thursday, August 27, 2020


 I keep debating in my head whether or not I should post about this - but I think I have something of value to offer here, so I am going to go ahead. What's that old saying? "Damn the torpedoes! Full speed ahead!".

This post is going to deal with questions - specifically questions asked in our Amateur Radio community.

Last weekend I asked a question in a comment on Facebook. It was a popular Amateur Radio related topic page - which shall remain nameless. Admittedly, I didn't read the original post too well. It was lengthy and I kind of just glossed over it. My fault 10000% and I freely admit it - and I freely admitted it on the Facebook page. However, the question I asked seemed innocuous enough and I expected a three, maybe four word answer. That's all it would have required.

Instead, I got pilloried for even bothering to ask. "Didn't you read the post? AND YOU STILL ASKED THAT QUESTION?  SERIOUSLY? Do you know how many times we get asked that? Do you know how FRUSTRATING that is?"

That's not the word for word diatribe I received, but you get the gist. When I tried to explain why I asked what I asked, it got even worse. I responded (as I will explain below) and for my efforts, someone thought it was cute and funny enough to post this image of a crying towel.

I tried to explain that questions are a part of life. In my own life, I get asked a million questions a day - I know, that's an exaggeration, but it feels that way sometimes. People don't read and people don't listen. Sometimes they're tired, sometimes they're hurried and in a rush, sometimes their minds are focused on other weighty matters. It happens.

But that is NEVER is an excuse to be rude or condescending. One of the hallmarks of excellent Customer Service and just polite human behavior is to answer questions courteously and with a smile.  Even if you're screaming in your mind and ripping your hair out in your mind because it's the millionth time  ...... be kind.

One of the things that drives me crazy the most is when someone, particularly an Amateur Radio neophyte, will ask a very simple and easy question about something and someone answers with "RTFM", or says something like "How did you pass your test?". Is it so hard to give a courteous and polite answer? If you don't have the time to give a detailed answer then suggest a publication or location where they can find the answer and perhaps gain a little knowledge in the process. There's NEVER an excuse for being rude.

If you're frustrated and tired of hearing the same question over and over ...... grow a set and get over it, or better yet keep your mouth shut. If you're in a place or doing something that you really enjoy but part of that involves answering questions from maybe hundreds of people ..... well, that's life and part of what you got yourself into.  Always remember that other old saying, "If you can't stand the heat, get out of the kitchen."

Be kind. Always. It's a good rule to live by.

73 de Larry W2LJ
QRP - When you care to send the very least!


  1. A wise lesson for both you and the readers. Sometimes reading is an art not everyone possess. You can read something and think something else. It could be a wrong way of writing or reading. Or even a matter of haste. Sometimes people are dyslectic, something I have the idea is getting very common these days. They read words but don't understand. However, you are right, even if asked a million times you should be patient and be polite. But sometimes it is hard, especially if you are in a rush yourself. Sometimes it is easier not answering at all and keep your thoughts for yourself. 73, Bas

  2. Well said, Larry. I'm afraid that common courtesy isn't very common anymore. 73, Jim

  3. I was once told there are no stupid questions, only stupid answers.
    de G1BRB.

  4. You're right on the money on this one Larry. I couldn't agree more. I drink my coffee each day from a cup that has these words on it: "Good Morning America! What are we offended about today?". I find that those words ring true often in the online world we live in. Life is too short to get hyped up about small stuff.



  5. I dont read facebook but your blog is very positive and helps keeping me on the air with my electronic hobby, 73 Larry and thanks for your work....AG4P
