
Friday, January 08, 2021

Two friends of mine ......

 are planning some operating events. One on Sunday, the other in February. I'd appreciate if you'd keep an ear open for both of them.

Tomorrow - Mark NK8Q in his own words:

Due to the NAQP CW contest on Saturday from 1800Z through 0600Z on Sunday I've decided that Sunday would be a better day for me to get out for some SOTAdventure.  I think I want to try to hit a series of three or four summits that may have difficult access later when we get more snow/ice.  There is still some residual snow from piles from the 16 - 18" that we received on December 17th but I do not anticipate there to be access issues due to that.

Last year on a snowy (and later sleet) day I did these three which I'm planning for this Sunday again as well (order may change, we'll see):

W3/SV-026 (Shade Mtn) - Snyder County

W3/SV-024 (Spectacle Gap Mtn) Juniata County

W3/SV-030 (Raccoon Valley Mtn)  Juniata/Perry County Line

In the summer of 2019 when there were longer days I also did the same three but also added W3/SV-020 (Butler Knob) in Huntingdon County.  If I were to attempt a four summit winter activation I think instead I would add W3/SV-018 (Broad Mtn) in Huntingdon County.

Frequencies I would plan to operate would be the following (+/- for QRM), all CW:

5.332 MHz (5.348 as a backup)

7.032 MHz

10.117 MHz

14.062 MHz

3.535 MHz if needed

I've found that for in-state and near-state QSOs during the daytime 60m is pretty good and getting closer to sunset and later in the day that 80m may be required.

I'll put up my alerts on SOTAWatch once I figure out a schedule.  As there is presently no snow on the roads and the temperatures for daytime highs are in the upper 30s today through Sunday, I expect easy travel and in general short hikes away from the vehicle to the operating positions.  

I have another series of summits for another future weekend as well, so stay tuned!

Time to start collecting some winter bonus points!  Six pointers become worth nine and eight pointers are worth eleven!

As always, feel free to text message me if I have phone access (I think most of those sites did have good phone coverage) at 484-894-6948 and I'll see if I can accommodate.  Each activation will be brief in order to attempt to hit three and possibly four.  I'll be spending more time driving than operating, but so it goes!

72/73 & HNY,

Mark, NK8Q

February - Dave KD2FSI in his own words:

I am very pleased to announce that on February 7, 2021 from 7:00 am to 7:00 pm local time, that I’ll be operating a special event station using a variety of vintage Heathkits to commemorating the life and legacy of Howard E. Anthony; the person responsible for starting the Heathkit brand. There is some additional information in QST and on the ARRL website under special event stations.  I will also post the actual operating frequencies and modes in real time the day off. I hope all amateur radio operators with any type of equipment (new or old) will join me as we commemorate Mr. Anthony two days before what would be his 108th birthday. 

Planned Special Event QSL


The Heath Company was founded in 1911 by Edward Bayard Heath as an aircraft company and sold a kit airplane. Sadly, Heath would die in 1931 during a test flight. The company would change hands, but, fell into bankruptcy. It was in 1935, that Howard E. Anthony purchased what was left with the intentions of selling accessories for small aircraft. However, after WWII he bought a large stock of surplus wartime electronic parts and in 1947 introduced a kit built oscilloscope under the brand name Heathkit. The OL-1 oscilloscope was a huge success and Heathkit would grow to be the premier supplier of electronics in kit form. Tragically, fate would repeat itself and Anthony would also die in an airplane crash in 1954. But, Mr. Anthony’s legacy continues today with the millions who learned electronics from his kits and the Heathkit amateur radio stations that are still on the air.

73, Dave KD2FSI

Both of these fellows are great guys and good friends - I would be pleased if you would grace them with your RF. Nothing makes the operator of a Special Event or a SOTAteer happier than a wall of call signs coming at them.

72 de Larry W2LJ

QRP - When you care to send the very least!

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