
Monday, February 08, 2021


 I'm not about to do a K3WWP and start calling it S#*&^, but I, like John, am growing a distinct distaste for snow.  Last weekend into last Tuesday, we got 19.5 inches (50 cm) of the stuff. Yesterday, we got another 7 inches (18 cm).

And it looks like the weather people are forecasting another 5 inches of snow to come during the middle of this week and even more over the coming weekend. And the temperatures are going to plummet with an accompanying blast of Arctic air. It's "seasonably" cold outside now and my shack temperature is 58F - I can't wait to see what it's going to be later this week!

This is more snow than we've seen in this part of Central New Jersey in about 5 or 6 years. For you folks who get a ton each winter - God bless you! I don't like dealing with it - and my hat is off to you for dealing with yours.

On a side note, my son Joseph is getting tired of helping me deal with it and this is what he wants me to buy.

As appealing as the thought was to me, my answer was "NO!".

On the Ham Radio side of the coin, I did work my good friend Dave KD2FSI as he ran his Heathkit special event station yesterday. I had to hook up the KXPA100 and turn up that wattage. Even then, he could barely hear me - we just live too close to each other for the band conditions that were what they were yesterday. But he did earn his "Veteran's Ears" for pulling my 2X2 SSB signal out of the mud. Thanks, Dave!

He was using an EFHW, so I made the contact using the W3EDP. He wasn't even audible on the Butternut vertical.

72 de Larry W2LJ

QRP - When you care to send the very least!

1 comment:

  1. Hi Larry, yes snow, I like it for 1 day, but then, I am fed up with it. We had 25cm (9,8 inch) snow this weekend. It stay winter for the coming 14 days, temperature stay below zero C. At night -10 C. I long for spring, really. 73 Paul
