
Friday, June 30, 2023

It's getting to be that time of year again

When I have to decide what equipment I'll be taking up to Lake George when we return for our annual trip this summer. Undoubtedly the KX3 and the AlexLoop with be the main components, but I'm thinking of also bring the PAR ENDFEDZ and the arborist throw bag to get some wire in a tree.

The problem is that I really haven't practiced tossing that thing up into the trees enough so that I don't look like some kind of idiot. Maybe this weekend after I get all the other stuff done that needs to be done (and if the weather cooperates), I can make my way over to Cotton Street Park, where I go for FOBB and the Skeeter Hunt. There's a lot of tall trees that would make for great practice.

In the meantime, I know there are some tutorial videos on YouTube that I can watch so that at the very least I look like I know what I'm doing. You'd think that this would be a no-brainer, but I've seen a couple if videos a while back that indicate there are several techniques that the pros use for good success. 

The last thing I want is to look like a rube, and ideally I'd like to get a line up in one shot, if I can. I'm not into attracting curious onlookers. And if I do attract onlookers, I don't want to provide them with reason for hilarious laughter.

All that being said, Sunday July 9th is the QRP-ARCI Summer Homebrew Sprint. This always seems to occur the first Sunday we are there. It may be time for a trip up Mt. Prospect.



2000Z to 2300Z on 9 July 2023  (4PM to 7PM EDT)


HF CW Only.


Members send:  RST, State/Province/Country, ARCI member number
Non-Members send:  RST, State/Province/Country, Power Out

QSO Points:

Member = 5 points
Non-Member, Different Continent = 4 points
Non-Member, Same Continent = 2 points


SPC (State/Province/Country) total for all bands.  The same station may be worked on multiple bands for QSO points and SPC credit.

Power Multiplier:

>5 Watts = x1
>1 - 5 Watts = x7
>250 mW - 1 Watt = x10
>55 mW - 250 mW = x15
<55 mW = x20

Suggested Frequencies:

160m    1810 kHz
80m     3560 kHz
40m     7030 kHz (please listen at 7040 kHz for rock bound participants)
20m     14060 kHz
15m     21060 kHz
10m     28060 kHz


Final Score = Points (total for all bands) x SPCs (total for all bands) x Power Multiplier + Bonus Points.


If operating a HB Transmitter add 2000 points
If operating a HB Receiver add 3000 points
If operating a HB Transceiver add 5000 points
(Homebrew is defined as:  if you built it, it is homebrew (kits too!)

If you are operating PORTABLE using battery power AND a temporary antenna, add 5000 points to your final score.  (You can NOT be at your shack operating from battery power using your home station antenna to qualify for this bonus.)  This is to help level the playing field for contesters who work from the field against contest stations with 5 element yagis at 70 ft.


Entry may be All-Band, Single Band, High Bands (10m-15m-20m) or Low Bands (40m-80m-160m)

How to Participate:

Get on any of the HF bands except the WARC bands and hang out near the QRP frequencies.  Work as many stations calling CQ QRP or CQ TEST as possible, or call CQ QRP or CQ TEST yourself!  You can work a station for credit once on each band.

Log Submission:

Submit your entry online at


Entries must be posted on or before 29 July 

72 de Larry W2LJ

QRP - When you care to send the very least!


  1. Anonymous7:36 AM

    Hi Larry! Been waiting to read about your return to Lake George, wasn't sure you would make it this year, but glad to hear that you will. I know you and your family enjoy that annual sojourn. No matter what antennas you take along I hope you have an outstanding adventure and a refreshing visit. Will be looking for you on the bands!

    72/73 de Jeff, KE9V

  2. Anonymous10:27 AM

    Common, we hams are a weird bunch from the git go these days. Don’t be afraid to look like a rube and ask anyone around you to do a demo if they think they know how. Many times I have been shown up by a kid who saw my mistakes and figured out how to do it better with no experience whatsoever. Just putting up an AlexLoop looks Rube Goldberg to the uninitiated.

    Dave K8WPE
