Thursday, August 03, 2023

How do they do it?

For me, Facebook is a means where I am able to keep tabs on what other Amateur Radio ops are doing. There are so many good groups and pages devoted to QRP, CW, portable ops, antennas, etc. All the stuff that holds my interest.

One question though - the POTAteers and SOTAteers - how the heck do they find the time to go out and do so many activations?  I marvel at and admire their effort and abilities.

There must be something drastically wrong with me. Weekdays are out of the question, of course, as I'm still working full time. I get home from work and I'm ready for dinner, maybe Jeopardy if I'm not committed to going to a club meeting or some kind of CERT thing, or Church thing. Then it's off to bed by around 9:00 PM or so. I don't even have the energy to stay awake and participate in the QRP Fox Hunts anymore. Those begin at 9:00 PM and run to 10:30 PM Eastern Time. That just cuts too much into my sleep time, as I'm up every morning at 5:00 AM.  If I jump in on a Fox Hunt and if it takes me to the very end to finally get a pelt,  I'm still wired for another hour or so from the exhilaration (or disappointment) of the chase before I can fall asleep.

My Saturdays seem to be filled with stuff to take care of around the house, whether that be yard work, grocery shopping, cleaning - whatever. Sunday comes around and I'm zombified. I can sit down on the couch for a few minutes and the next thing I know, I'm waking up about an hour later (if not more)! When I was just a little shaver, I was always amazed at how my Dad could be sitting in his chair, watching a ballgame on TV and then be sawing wood a few minutes later. Now I understand.

If all goes well and God doesn't laugh at my plans, I hope to retire in two years. Maybe then, I'll be able to get some serious POTA activations completed! That's the plan, anyway.

Before I close out this post, Bob N4REE mentioned in a comment under that ARRL Life Membership post that I made last week, how he'd like to see that old N2ELW Life Membership plaque. Here it is, Bob.

I suppose if someone were to request N2ELW through the vanity system, they could put their name on a label and cover up my name. Of course, this would be for show purposes only (as hokey looking as it would be!) - impress your friends, woo the ladies! LOL!

72 de Larry W2LJ
QRP - When you care to send the very least!

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous8:06 AM

    I retired at 63 with fond wishes that the good Lord will let me hang around, in good health, for the next 20 years. I have no warranties or guarantees for that kind of span, but as I've learned this year, we all need hope. I'm hoping for 20 but now one of those has passed so I guess now just 19 more years. Lots of potential field activations and ham radio fun time if that pans out. If it doesn't, well, I had a good run. Here's hoping you find some time before the countdown clock begins to enjoy more time with radio in the field and in the shack Larry!

    73 de Jeff KE9V
