
Tuesday, September 05, 2023


Yesterday was a CERT day. South Plainfield is only one of four communities n the State of New Jersey to host a Labor Day parade. The three Plainfields - North Plainfield, Plainfield and South Plainfield split the summer up. One holds a Memorial Day parade, one holds a 4th of July parade and we do Labor Day.

As a CERT member in town, we were tasked to help with pedestrian traffic control and safety for both events - the parade and the fireworks display in the evening. The 5K race and parade in the morning were uneventful, unless you count the "spotty shower" at 10:30 AM which was actually a downpour. It ended rather quickly, but most of us got drenched and that made the rest of the event just hot and sticky. The good thing is there were no injuries or accidents to report. The parade went off without a hitch and everyone was happy, especially the South Plainfield Public Celebrations Committee.

We were back at it in the evening for the annual fireworks display.  Lakeview Road, which is one of the main thoroughfares through town is closed off for about a 1/2  hour before the show, for the duration and for about a 1/2 hour after the show. The fireworks are launched from behind the municipal complex which is close to the road, and there is danger of spent mortar casings falling on the street, In fact, a couple of years ago, a very small piece of cardboard or plastic casing hit me. No big deal, but insurance and lawsuits being what they are these days, the town doesn't want to chance any of our citizens getting injured. After the show, the street remains closed for another 1/2 hour so the smoke from the fireworks can disperse. No one wants a pedestrian crossing the street to be injured by a driver that didn't see them due to decreased visibility.

Just before the show, there was a gaggle of youngsters riding their bikes back and forth on the empty street, popping wheelies and trying to impress everyone with their stunts. Despite our continued requests for them to stay off the road, they would not listen. Finally the police got involved and requested that these young fellows stay off the road for their own safety. They pretty much complied, except for two.

That's when a police officer on a bicycle became involved. He caught up with them and once again, warned them to stay off the road. One, thinking he was above authority decided to respond to the officer by "flipping the bird". The officer saw that and took off after the lad, like a rifle shot out of a barrel. He caught up with him and I saw him speaking with the "bird flipper" for quite a few minutes. I would imagine he did his best to put the "fear of God" in him.

People do get annoyed when you tell them they can't walk where they want to; or go somewhere they want to go that is closed off. But it IS for their own good. It's far better to be inconvenienced with taking a few extra steps than spending a few hours in an ER getting a burn or some other injury attended to.

Such is the day in the life of a CERT member, but it's all good and worth the effort.

72 de Larry W2LJ

QRP - When you care to send the very least!

1 comment:

  1. Don KG5CMS6:30 PM

    Hi Larry.

    I enjoy reading your blog. Thanks for all the frequent posts lately.

    -73 Don KG5CMS.
