
Friday, September 29, 2023

What's doing this weekend

 First, the QRP Image of the Day:

Courtesy of Alberto Diaz from the SOTA Facebook page - taken atop EA2/NV-009 - simply beautiful!

If you're so inclined to get on the air this weekend - here are some special events:

Elmer Special Event -  W1E will be on the air in honor of all the Elmers who have assisted and guided us through the years -

Peak to Peak Byway 105th Anniversary - N0P/K0P/W0P will be on the air to celebrate the anniversary of Colorado's Peak to Peak Byway -

1st United Methodist Church Bi-Centennial Event - KC9DJU will be on the air courtesy of the Madison County Amateur Radio Club of Anderson, IN -

I don't know why, but since my Novice days, there's always been a special niche in my heart for Special Event Stations. I've got an album full of certificates and QSLs in the shack - some are notable with really cool certificates and QSL cards and are actually framed and hanging on the shack wall, such as the 50th Anniversary of the Landing of Apollo 11, or the 500th Anniversary of Columbus's trip to the New World which was conducted by Hams who are also Knights of Columbus, or the QSLs and certificate to commemorate the Battles of Trenton and Princeton. Others are small, and maybe even silly to some - Toad Suck Days (whatever that is), Hallowe'en Special Events like B0O and the like. But whatever the special event, I like to work them if I have the time and they have a CW op participating. (I'm still not much for SSB). I've been fortunate enough to participate as an operator for several Special Event Stations and as an op, I appreciate those who will get on the air to make contact and support a Special Event, so I like to return the favor whenever I can.

As far as contests go:

Full Day of Hell Sprint - A contest for those of you who like the Feld Hell mode -

Worked All Provinces of China Contest - a country I've never even had a QSO with! -

UK/EI DX Contest - SSB -

Russian WW Multimode Contest -

Antique Wireless Association AM QSO Party -

And if you're up REALLY early (or perhaps never went to sleep!) :

THE 1 WATT GAME 2023 - PART 2.

I. OBJECTIVE: A short QRPP CW game on the 20 Meter band. All radio amateurs and SWL's are cordially invited.

II. DATE: Saturday 14 October 2023 from 0900 to 1200 UTC. (That's 5:00AM to 8:00 AM EDT!)

III. BAND: 20 Meter band only. 14.060 MHz +- 10 kHz.

IV. POWER: maximum 1 watt.


1. CALL: CQ 1W


ie. 559/1w/ JO21LA. Additional info like power, RTX, antenna,... is welcome.


First calculate the distance of each QSO.

QSO points = distance divided by the power of the other station (in watts).

Power less than 1 watt is equal to 1 watt in the points calculation.

Eg. your counter station is 2000 km away and uses 5 watt. Then the point count for this QSO is: 2000/5 = 400 points.

Eg. your counter station is 3000 km away and uses 1 watt. Then the point count for this QSO is: 3000/1 = 3000 points.

Eg. your counter station is 3000 km away and uses 300 milliwatt. Then the point count for this QSO is: 3000/1 = 3000 points.

TOTAL SCORE: Sum of all QSO points.


Email your score to

Add the text: Me, (your call) , I declare that I managed a total of XXX QSOs, my total result is XXX points.

Please add your best DX (call and locator)station-info: locator, power, RTX, antenna. Pictures of your set-up are appreciated.

VIII. GAME REFEREE: Peter Kempenaers (ON6KZ/OO7Z). The Game Referee has the right to request full log in case of any doubt.

IX. LOG DEADLINE: 30 October 2023.

X: Nominees: award for the winner, the best DX, funniest location (if outdoor), original home brew, lowest power.

And there you have it - the goings on for the weekend!

72 de Larry W2LJ

QRP - When you care to send the very least!


  1. You forgot Sunday's Peanut Power Sprint!

    1. Eric, I know. Sort of. But it didn't appear on the Contest Calendar and the only lead posted AFTER I made this post. This is why I think a better job needs to be done promoting QRP Sprints. You just can't rely on. "They know about it."
