
Monday, July 01, 2024

Adventure Radio Society Spartan Sprint tonight

 Spartan Sprint QRP CW Event 

The monthly Spartan Sprint QRP CW event will be this coming Monday evening.  (This is UTC Tuesday from 0000z-0200z).

No membership required - the  Spartan Sprint is open to all.

If you have never tried running 5 watt QRP CW, here is a chance to try it. Most modern rigs can be turned down to 5 watts.

During QRP CW events everyone is listening for weaker signals - you will be surprised to find out what 5 watts CW can do.

More information can be found at : 


Jody - K3JZD


BTW, NJ POTA folks. Today starts the new fiscal year for New Jersey. The "holiday" for free entry into NJ State parks has ended. For a lot of them (but not all), there is now a $5 entry fee. Seniors can continue to get in for free by applying for a special permit

I filled mine out, I have to get it in the mail.

And lest I forget ......

Happy Canada Day to all our brother and sister Amateur Radio ops north of the border!

72 de Larry W2LJ 

QRP - When you care to send the very least!

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