
Sunday, July 21, 2024

FOBB a week away!

I know long range forecasts are notoriously unreliable, but according to WeatherBug, this is what I'm looking at for next Sunday:

If this holds true,  I'll definitely be at Cotton Street Park, probably with my EARCHI antenna, which I realized is the exact same thing as the KM4CFT antenna. It's an EFRW with a 9:1 UNUN. 

I've used it before for SPARC Field Day, so it's proven itself in portable ops. I'm going to cut a slightly shorter radiator for it .....41 feet as opposed to 53 feet. I will lose 80 Meters, but since FOBB is a daytime event, no one gets on 80 Meters anyway.

This was an extremely easy build.  If you're interested in putting one together yourself,  you'll find the step-by-step here:

72 de Larry W2LJ 

QRP - When you care to send the very least!

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