
Thursday, July 25, 2024

Gene has a plan.

Gene N5GW mentioned on the QRP-L reflector that rightly, most of the FOBB "action" will be on 20 Meters, with a lesser amount on 40 Meters.  He suggested instead of just making oneself an immovable object, to check 40 Meters on the hour and 15 and 10 Meters on the half hour for possible band openings and other activity.

I have all my gear ready to go - KX3 ,EARCHI antenna (9:1 UNUN and 41 foot radiator) ,batteries, earbuds, American Morse DCP paddle and my Joplin ARC antenna launcher. The camping table and chair are already in the back of the car.

I recently purchased a set of these on eBay for when I use the Jackite with my "in the field" support:

I banged up the tent pegs I was using pretty badly at Field Day. I pounded them into the ground a bit too far and had trouble extracting them from the hard soil. I whacked them on the side to loosen them up and in the process bent a few of them pretty badly.  These are thicker, more robust and as an added bonus, come wit their own little carrying pouch. Another added bonus - they are Day-Glo red and are way easier to see by anyone who might walk by. It's like placing orange traffic cones out there!

The plan for Sunday is to launch a line into one of the 50+ foot trees at Cotton Street Park and use the EFRW as a sloper or pretty near vertical. Just about all the trees in the park are that tall or taller. In a way, I wish this park was more visible to the public as it would be an excellent Field Day site with all the tall trees. It's a beautiful park, but remains one of the less popular parks in town. That makes it ideal for FOBB and the Skeeter Hunt as there are less pedestrians to worry about walking into antenna wires or coax cables, or even mast supports, for that matter.

72 de Larry W2LJ

QRP - When you care to send the very least!

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