
Tuesday, July 30, 2024

I know where I'm going next Sunday.

If the weather cooperates, I'm heading back to Cotton Street Park next Sunday.

Not to operate, but there was another antenna raising option open to me that just occurred to me now, and which I totally ignored. I have an arborist's throw bag and line in the car. The problem is I haven't had much practice using it. Even if I had remembered, it probably would have eaten up more time than I had already spent.

But next Sunday, God willing and the creek don't rise, I'm going to make like David the shepherd, and spend whatever time it takes getting comfortable in using it. I would much rather have had my wire up in a tree than use the Jackite pole. For one thing, the trees are taller and my wire would be up higher. Second thing is that from the panorama photo I included yesterday, there's no dearth of tall trees in the park.  Hopefully, I'll be as successful as David was in conquering his Goliath. (According to archeologists, he was about 9-12 feet tall. These trees make him look tiny!)

I still have to figure out an inexpensive solution for a drive on mast. I'd like something less bulky and trunk space gobbling than my first iteration. I may have to spend some time on Google and YouTube for some ideas. You know, for when wire in trees is not allowed and there's no ground to pound in the tent stakes necessary to hold my PVC pipe upright. I'm leaning towards Craig WB3GCK's solution. It looks the easiest and most convenient. Another chore for next weekend.

72 de Larry W2LJ

QRP - When you care to send the very least!

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