Wednesday, September 25, 2024

Oh boy - and not in a good way.

A club meeting (not mine) with guest, ARRL SE Director Mickey Baker. If you want to hear details about the events that effectively shut down the ARRL earlier this year, start listening around the 16 minute mark.

Scary and sad. As an ARRL Life Member, who has always been uber supportive of the League, it would seem that leadership (NOT the staff) is befuddled in some crucial areas, and quite frankly, maybe not doing such a great job.

With my new hearing aid, I'd almost swear that I can hear H P Maxim spinning in his grave.

72 de Larry W2LJ
QRP - When you care to send the very least!


  1. Anonymous9:51 AM

    It's difficult to pick the most ridiculous statement out of this mess, but referring to CentOS a "hobby OS" ranks among the least informed things I've ever heard come from the alleged leadership of the ARRL (and as we all know, that's a VERY low bar). An estimated 77.4% of Internet servers run Linux worldwide. And CentOS is the third most prevalent server variant of Linux (after Ubuntu and Debian). Check your facts, dude.

  2. Anonymous9:27 PM

    ARRL will be bankrupt in an other 20 years and all of this really won’t matter … $40K per week spent on data recovery ? $300K/year for a hobby CEO compensation? Boomers are milking it dry. Good bye ARRL !

    The next generation will come up with something better. Virtual. Capable. And representative.

    1. That's right! Blame all the problems on the Boomers. Sigh.

    2. Anonymous9:23 AM

      The Doomers blame the Boomers. I hope to live long enough for Gen Z to blow up and blame the Millennials once the Boomers leave the scene.
