
Thursday, January 27, 2011

Enough said !!!

I love trains, I really do!  But I sure wish the "Arctic Express" would find a different destination.  We're looking forward to return trips tomorrow night and possibly a huge layover next Tuesday.  Whew!

These were taken as a result of the visit we received last night from the "Alberta Clipper".

72 de Larry W2LJ
QRP - When you care to send the very least!


  1. Hi Larry, well, that is a lot of snow! Winter is still going on there. We are lucky, only freezing weather, this morning minus 2 C, and fortunately no snow. 73 Paul.

  2. A winter wonderland......

  3. Anonymous12:51 PM

    So pretty. You're lucky to have some snow. We don't get it here, and have to drive up the hill towards South Lake Tahoe to see snow. I wouldn't mind shoveling a little, though I would mind the salt. At least here they use sand in the mountains which still gets messy.

    Jason - N6WBL

  4. Hi Larry,

    A few weeks ago, my wife and I were in New York during that big storm. I feel for you up there because I had no idea what a 50 mph wind and two feet of snow actually means to a bad back with a snow shovel in hand. BTW/ I bought my "kindle" last week and am enjoying the West Virginia snow for a change. It's time to do some reading in this cold weather....
