
Monday, March 19, 2012

Last day of Winter

Spring officially begins in about 5 hours from right now.  But the weather here today had to be record breaking, or darn near close to it.  As I left work today, for the drive home at 5:00 PM, it was 77F (25C) - on March 19th!

The extended forecast for the next week is informing us that daytime high temperatures will be in the upper 60's and into the 70s' and that on Thursday, we may even break 80F (27C).

I was telling Bob W3BBO during our weekly Echolink chat the other day, that we will probably pay for this with a Memorial Day holiday weekend in the 50s (13C).

Ah yes, W2LJ is ever the optimist!

On a radio note, I tried getting on the bands a few times over the weekend only to hear not much of anything.  The bands seemed to be dead for me.  BUT ..... the bands have been real good for my friend Jim W4QO, who announced that he finished working the countries he needed to accomplish Diamond DXCC - all QRP.  Way to go, Jim - a hearty hand shake and slap on the back for you!

72 de Larry W2LJ
QRP - When you care to send the very least!

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous9:02 PM

    The last couple of days the bands have not been that bad in the afternoon... Set up in a local park with my FT817 and an end fed Half Wave and had some fun in the warm temps... Nothing rare but makeing contacts on 10 to 40 ssb

