
Saturday, March 17, 2012

Silent Service

If you're a regular reader of my blog, you've seen several videos posted here courtesy of Rem K6BBQ regarding the USS Pampanito.  Rem, who lives in California has operated from the Pampanito (whose radio room is now outfitted with Amateur Radio gear) and has related about his experiences.

I visited the Pampanito myself a couple of times, when I was fortunate enough to visit San Francisco and  the Fishlerman's Wharf area.  I was never fortunate enough to operate from the submarine.  Watching Rem's videos and taking a tour of the boat myself is one thing, but in all truthfulness, neither of these gave a "real taste" of what life on the sub was like during WWII.

This past week, I caught an episode of "The Color of War" on the Military Channel.  The program features color movie footage of WWII, taken by amateurs as well as professional combat cinematographers.  The episode I watched this past week was titled, "The Silent Service" and towards the end of the program, the USS Pompanito was prominently featured.

If you get the chance to watch the show, please do.  In a very small way, you will be honoring the memory of the brave men who fought for us under the surface of the briny deep during WWII. In the process, you will be amazed at the conditions these fighting men put up with; and in spite of those circumstances, succeeded in their mission.

72 de Larry W2LJ
QRP - When you care to send the very least!


  1. Anonymous9:47 PM

    is online at:

    Great pix and tour!

    WA2ONH Charlie

  2. I love those old ships, submarines, etc. A few summers ago, I stumbled upon an old LST which had a functioning radio room aboard.

    This submarine brings back lots of memories from my Navy days on a destroyer.

    Thanks for posting....
